Wikis > Sales By Revenue Center By Summary Group

Sales By Revenue Center By Summary Group Report


The Sales By Revenue Center By Summary Group report shows sales totals of revenue centers within the selected date range, as well as how much of the totals were sold in each by the various summary groups. Each report type offers two views: the first is a general summary of the sales showing summary groups and revenue centers, and the second is a detailed view, which breaks down the information by the individual tables in each revenue center and the report categories of the products sold.

Summary View


The summary view lists the quantity and value of sales along with their percentages of each summary group. The totals for each revenue center are displayed at the bottom of each section and grand totals are at the bottom of the report.

Detailed View

SalesRevenueCenterBySummaryGroupDetailed-1 SalesRevenueCenterBySummaryGroupDetailed-2The detailed view shows the quantity and value of sales by table along with their percentages for each report category. The totals for each summary group are displayed at the bottom of each section and grand totals are at the bottom of the report.

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