Revision for “RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize” created on 16 May, 2014 @ 11:48

RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize
<h1>RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize Report</h1> <div id="toc_container" class="toc_wrap_right no_bullets"> <p class="toc_title">Contents</p> <ul class="toc_list"> <li>RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize Report <ul class="toc_list"> <li><a href="#summary-view">Summary View</a></li> <li><a href="#detailed-view">Detailed View</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> The RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize report shows the total number of refunds, and the total value of the refunds in each refund type. The refunds &amp; voids are sorted by the employee who made the refund and lists the refund type under the employee who authorized the return for the employee completing the return. <h3 id="summary-view">Summary View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-470" src="" alt="RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize" width="533" height="464" /></a> The summary view provides the quantity and total value of refunds by type. The number in square brackets are the number of refunds of each type where they occur after a refund type, or the total made by each employee where they appear after an employee's name. <h3 id="detailed-view">Detailed View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-471" src="" alt="RefundVoid By Employee By Who Authorize Detailed" width="461" height="460" /></a> The detailed view currently does not provide any additional information than the summary view. <a id="novisit" title="Return to Top" href="#top"><em>Top</em></a> - <a id="novisit" title="Home" href=""><em>Main Report Page</em></a>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
16 May, 2014 @ 11:48 dedwards
28 March, 2014 @ 16:19 dedwards

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