Revision for “Refund Void By Type” created on 28 March, 2014 @ 15:08

Refund Void By Type
<h1>Refund Void By Type Report</h1> <div class="toc_wrap_right no_bullets" id="toc_container"> <p class="toc_title">Contents</p> <ul class="toc_list"> <li>Refund Void By Type Report <ul class="toc_list"> <li><a href="#summary-view">Summary View</a></li> <li><a href="#detailed-view">Detailed View</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> The Refund Void By Type report shows the total number of refunds, and the total value of the refunds in each refund type. <h3 id="summary-view">Summary View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-465" alt="Refund Void By Type" src="" width="530" height="200" /></a> The summary view shows the refunds by type along with the value and quantity of refunds. The grand total of all the refunds is shown at the bottom of the report. <h3 id="detailed-view">Detailed View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-466" alt="Refund Void By Type Detailed" src="" width="535" height="476" /></a> The detailed view of Refund by Type shows individual refunds, organizing them first by type and then by date. Individual refunds show their value, and the total of each type is shown below the individual transaction. Transaction numbers of each refund is displayed for easy reference. <a id="novisit" title="Return to Top" href="#top"><em>Top</em></a> - <a id="novisit" title="Home" href=""><em>Main Report Page</em></a>

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28 March, 2014 @ 15:08 dedwards

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