Revision for “Cash Float Levels” created on 24 June, 2014 @ 15:35

Cash Float Levels
<h1>Cash Float Levels Report</h1> <div id="toc_container" class="toc_wrap_right no_bullets"> <p class="toc_title">Contents</p> <ul class="toc_list"> <li>Cash Float Levels Report <ul class="toc_list"> <li><a href="#summary-view">Summary View</a></li> <li><a href="#detailed-view">Detailed View</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> The Cash Float Levels report shows cash present in tills and safes for the purpose of a float. Each report type offers two views: the first shows totals only, and the second is a detailed view which shows the specific quantity of each bill and coin. <h3 id="summary-view">Summary View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-773" src="" alt="CashFloatLevels" width="689" height="211" /></a> The summary view shows each safe name and the floats within each safe. The values of the tills and amount with any exchange rate applied is contained in the right-side columns, and the total value in each safe is shown at the bottom of each section and the grand total of all safes is shown at the bottom of the report. <h3 id="detailed-view">Detailed View</h3> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-774" src="" alt="CashFloatLevelsDetailed" width="689" height="276" /></a> The detailed view shows the quantity of bills and coins present in a float along with the total value. At the bottom of the report are the totals of all cash floats. <a id="novisit" title="Return to Top" href="#top"><em>Top</em></a> - <a id="novisit" title="Home" href=""><em>Main Report Page</em></a>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
24 June, 2014 @ 15:35 dedwards
15 April, 2014 @ 16:41 dedwards
15 April, 2014 @ 16:41 [Autosave] dedwards
15 April, 2014 @ 14:15 dedwards

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