Revision for “Reservation by Start Time” created on 1 May, 2014 @ 15:48

Reservation by Start Time
<h1>Reservation by Start Time Report</h1> <a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-1109" src="" alt="ReservationByStartTime-1" width="492" height="166" /></a>The Reservation by Start Time report is a log of all the reservations made within the selected date range. The report is sorted by the scheduled start times of the reservations. The reservation number is shown on the report, along with the time and date of the reservation, the name of the customer, the time the customer was seated, and the location details such as the table and section. <a id="novisit" title="Return to Top" href="#top"><em>Top</em></a> - <a id="novisit" title="Home" href=""><em>Main Report Page</em></a>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
1 May, 2014 @ 15:48 dedwards
1 May, 2014 @ 15:13 dedwards

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