Revision for “Employee Shift Audit” created on 2 July, 2014 @ 15:24
Title | Employee Shift Audit |
Content | <h1>Employee Shift Audit Report</h1>
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<p class="toc_title">Contents</p>
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<li>Employee Shift Audit Report
<ul class="toc_list">
<li><a href="#summary-view">Summary View</a></li>
<li><a href="#detailed-view">Detailed View</a></li>
The Employee Shift Audit shows an breakdown of a shift, usually in the form of a single day. The information included in the shift audit is the training sales, no sales and pre-voids, number of transactions and net total of sales.
<h3 id="summary-view">Summary View</h3>
<a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-374" alt="Employee Shift Audit" src="" width="693" height="275" /></a>
The summary view shows the individual shifts across the selected date range and a brief overview of sales and transaction information. Shifts are sorted by opening dates, and totals are displayed at the bottom of the report.
<h3 id="detailed-view">Detailed View</h3>
<a href=""><img style="max-width:51%;" class="alignright wp-image-375" alt="Employee Shift Audit Detailed" src="" width="692" height="455" /></a>
The detailed view sorts shift by opening date, and included which employees worked during each shift. Information about that shift is displayed as it applies to the employees working the shift, with the totals for each shift displayed under the individual employee audit info.
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Excerpt |